2018 started with a hint of spicy trendy styles with reviving the old ones and inventing the new ones .

clearly there are many fashion blogs weather as blogs or as Instagram stylists , surely you could go ahead and follow them but i am just here to inform you about the trends happening and stuff but they stylists are here to help you style yourself and keep up your fashion skills , clearly i also follow them so go ahead !
  • Holographic trending looks on the ramp  :
    as the people have discovered the new holographic trend by making everything in 3D from lipsticks to boots and now the designers have created a holographic clothing line . 
  • Furry coats  : A trend that i guess never dies , its always young and fresh . it just gives a royal touch to look .

  • Sequence Clothing : so many bloggers DIY their clothes using safety pins and other heavy studded sequences , and in Dolce and Gabbana fashion show a sequence trend was spotted .   
  •   The Demin trend : its also a DIY trend stated by many stylists , and one off the biggest trend till date and now these are even available in many stores ( if you are too lazy to DIY ) .
